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Unable to obtain the files necessary to run Kyma!

0 votes

I have a message than Kyma software starting up. "Unable to obtain the files necessary to run Kyma! Please contact Symbolic Sound"

I use Kyma+ on mac pro late 2013, OSX v10.14.6
asked Jul 6, 2022 in General by pavel-doreuli (140 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Hello Pavel,

Do you still have the link you used for installing Kyma 7+ the first time? If so, please use that link to get an updated version of Kyma 7+ and re-install.

answered Jul 8, 2022 by ssc (Savant) (127,540 points)
0 votes
Hi Pavel,


You can start up with the CapsLock Key ON, and see how to go from there.
answered Jul 8, 2022 by roland-kuit (Master) (3,350 points)