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basic question about using kyma connect to direct midi output

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I'm going to assume that i will need to split up the output by using midi channel for now, but hoping that there is some other way. It looks like, in order to direct multiple midi output event sounds each to a different hardware synth, i would need to separate it by channels. Even though kyma connect allows me to choose anything in my core midi setup as outputs, all of the kyma outputs will be merged into that choice? (hoping that there might be some way to select a kyma connect output port through the kyma sound directly. Just looking for a confirmation that i cannot do this. (i generally prefer, having a bunch of hardware synths, to just leave them on channel 1, and direct midi to them through either a midi interface, or in my case, the MRCC router.). Thanks - getting heavily back into Kyma after several years of only occasional use, and i forget so much - and there is so much more here now. Thanks!
asked Aug 29, 2022 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by droolmaster0 (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Yes, you're right, all Kyma MIDIOutputEvents are merged onto a single virtual MIDI cable.
answered Aug 29, 2022 by ssc (Savant) (129,140 points)