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Can Motormix control Kyma in a Pacamara Ristretto setup?

0 votes
Can Motormix still control the VCS in Kyma once Pacarana is replaced by Pacamara Ristretto? Or: are there any more modern (than CM Labs gear) physical MIDI controllers that can be used that are similar to Motormix ie parameter controllers for VCS rather than instruments like Continuum, Linnstrument etc?
asked Sep 11, 2022 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by michael-bransome (190 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
I have been using the Motormix with the Pacamara without issue.

The Motormix and BCF2000 are still the only MIDI control surfaces that I am aware of that have automatic VCS integration.

The "Echo MIDI" VCS setting (Preferences:Performance) does provide full bidirectional VCS control for a wide variety of MIDI controllers, but you have to manually assign, or "MIDI Learn", the mappings for each Kyma Sound. Those assignments are saved with the sound so it is a one-time chore. Not as easy as using the Motormix but it does have the advantage that you decide which control surface element is assigned to each sound parameter.
answered Sep 11, 2022 by delora-software (Master) (5,660 points)
Thanks, have them both...
Great, the Motormix here works great with Pacarana, look forward to keeping it for the Pacamara.