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Is it possible for Kyma to utilize only one of multiple graphics tablets?

0 votes
I have a Wacom Intuos graphics tablet and a Wacom Cintiq display. I was wondering if there is a way to restrict Kyma to using only the Intuos tablet and leaving the Cintiq to function normally?
asked Aug 23, 2015 in Hardware & Interfaces by kevin-anater (160 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Unfortunately that's not currently possible.
answered Aug 23, 2015 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
selected Aug 25, 2015 by kevin-anater
I use a graphics tablet for ergonomic reasons, I can't use a mouse for more than a few minutes so my Wacom gets a lot of work.
I have several Wacom tablets (one each for the PCs in the studio and a few spares)  and I'd love to have a Wacom dedicated to Kyma sound control.
The current approach of adjusting Kyma settings to get the tablet into 'sound' mode, and then having to reconfigure when I'm finished is a bugbear but the only option at the moment.