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Issue with Kyma 7 software

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unfortunately I had an accident when using Kyma 7. My Macbook ran out of power (forgot to properly plug the power inlet) while playing a sound from my Fingerboard: now I'm not able to open Kyma 7 anymore. More specifically, it seems like as soon I click on the icon the software immediately crashes, with High Sierra showing  an "Unexpected Closure" message, and if I try "Reopen" the same thing happens over and over again. My Pacarana seems fine, it's correctly recognised by Delora so I guess it's something wrong with the software due to the aforementioned sudden shut down.

Should I try reinstalling the software?

All the best,

asked Oct 24, 2022 in Using Kyma by giuseppe-caiazzo (150 points)
First, I would try starting Kyma with caps lock key down and follow the instructions to launch without the saved Preferences. It's possible that your Preferences got trashed when you shut down unexpectedly.
Thanks a lot. Fortunately I didn't need to change anything, I've just opened with Caps Lock pressed and the software launched normally.

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