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MIDIMapper not working properly if HotValue was already displayed

0 votes

hello, hello

so I tried this expression on the MIDIMapper

!End is: (`End displayAs: #fader; min: 0 max: ('count.aif' sampleFileDuration removeUnits * 1000)).

but it works only if I choose instead of !End an hot value that was not previously displayed in the VCS.


how can I fix this? is there any expression I could for example use in a script?



asked Nov 9, 2022 in Capytalk & Smalltalk by domenico-cipriani (Master) (3,110 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
The range in the MIDIMapper is applied only the first time that EventValue is encountered. You could get around this by removing all the existing VCS layouts (in the Sound editor; select the Sound that is the input to the MIDIMapper and remove its VCS layout).
answered Nov 14, 2022 by ssc (Savant) (127,080 points)
selected Nov 15, 2022 by domenico-cipriani