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How do I learn about installation pro's and con's for audio interfaces for Pacamara?

0 votes
For the Pacarana and Paca Symbolic offers the following page for understanding pro's and con's of each interface or class of interfaces:


For the Pacamara a similar page exists

but it lacks much of the information that the Pacarama page shows in the column Installation instructions. Has anyone found any other documentation showing more specific instructions for each audio interface or class of audio interfaces. That information for the Pacarana was really essential in getting the TC studiokonnekt48 (and later the MOTU Audio Express) set up and running.

Any tips or recommendations?
asked Nov 21, 2022 in Hardware & Interfaces by michael-bransome (190 points)
Fewer of the interfaces require special instructions; the class compliant ones mostly "just work".

1 Answer

+1 vote
USB-Compliant interfaces just work but may require the use of a software to set routing/levels etc.

As an example. my two Metric Halo 2882 3d interfaces work very well with my Pacamara (connected via USB) but require an extra connection to the host computer (via ethernet) to operate their software. I will test a Focusrite usb interface that a friend of mine has and report back soon.
answered Jan 5, 2023 by georgina (Practitioner) (860 points)