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What is this default MIDI stream?

0 votes

Sitting here running an audio processing Sound, nothing more. Just input stereo, process it, send it back out in stereo. But I noticed Logic Pro getting periodic MIDI events, and PacaMara is the only MIDI capable device hooked up.

So pulled up MIDI Monitor to see, repeated every 5 sec.

I looked up what this means, and it seems to be some kind of data entry command sequence, possibly related to Midi MPE? The MIDI Event Monitor in Kyma shows absolutely nothing.

My Sound has no MIDI processing. So far this stream seems harmless. What is its purpose?

- David McClain

asked Dec 22, 2022 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by david-mcclain (140 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
In Configure MIDI (from the DSP menu), if you change "Continuum and MPE Compatible" to "No", it should stop sending that message (it's looking for MPE devices).
answered Dec 23, 2022 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)