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Understanding VCS Layouts - (before replacement)

0 votes
Hi all, I want to understand how layouts work in the VCS.

New to Pacamara and running Kyma 7.4 on mac.

I'm studying the Kyma X Revealed book (integrating it with Kyma 7 revealed when I find it lacks  features) and I'm at page 40: the VCS.

I have learned to designate a replacing input in the browser and I'm now experimenting with VCS editing.

In a very simple scenario I have chosen RAM-whispers as the replacement input and then selected Effects-EUverb in the browser.

If I play it (space) a VCS appears and in the right upper corner in the layout menu I see two entries:

"Effects-EUverb" and "Effects-EUverb (before replacement)"

This is expected, even though the two layouts are identical (this is something I have to understand).

Now comes the strange part: if I select another sound (with replaceable input), play it, stop it and go back to Effects-EUverb that I was playing before and play it, I now have three entries in the layouts:

"Effects-EUverb", "Effects-EUverb (before replacement)" and "Effects-EUverb (before replacement) (before replacement)"

If I switch to another sound, play it, go back to Effects-EUverb the layouts become four and so on, until they are eleven, each with a "(before replacement)" more added..

If I restart the application (without saving the Sound file) the layouts reset but exhibit the same behaviour as described above

Is this normal? Is there a section in the documentation that describes this feature?

Thanks for the clarification
asked Jan 1, 2023 in Using Kyma by georgina (Practitioner) (860 points)
recategorized Jan 1, 2023 by georgina

1 Answer

+1 vote
Thank you for pointing this out! In the next update to Kyma, the "before replacement" layout will be added only once (and not each time you play the Sound).

answered Jan 4, 2023 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)