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Hangup when adding an Embedded VCS Widget.

0 votes

HI all,

using Kyma 7.4 on a new Pacamara. mac os 10.15.7

When I open the VCS edit lock and go to options>add new widget>embedded VCS there is almost always an entry that will hang the application almost completely. To be clear, if the app allows to create embedded VCSs out of three layouts then one of the three (usually the topmost of the list) will hang the app when chosen. The Sound will keep on playing and the mouse can move app windows but everything else (DSP status meters included) are frozen. The only solution is to force quit.

This happens with most of the combinations I have been randomly trying. I'm attaching a Sound file.



asked Jan 1, 2023 in Using Kyma by georgina (Practitioner) (860 points)
edited Jan 2, 2023 by georgina

1 Answer

+1 vote
You cannot embed a layout within itself (without causing an infinite loop). We're modifying the code right now to prevent the selection of the current layout from the list.

Thanks for alerting us to this problem; it will be fixed in the next software update.
answered Jan 2, 2023 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
While this could be described as user error it would indeed be great to be prevented from doing so, thank you!