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Fake Keyboard Channel Number and WaitUntil

0 votes
Hi all,

I'm trying to use WaitUntil in a Timeline using the Fake Keyboard.

It seems that the "resume" command is received even when the WaitUntil track's MIDI channel and the Fake Keiboard MIDI channel are not the same:

Fake Keyboard MIDI channel is set to 4, WaitUntil track's MIDI channel is set to 1, Fake Keyboard input resumes playback.

This happens in any of the stock timelines contained in the Kyma 7 Folder

Is this normal behaviour?


asked Jan 1, 2023 in Using Kyma by georgina (Practitioner) (860 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
That was a bug. It has now been fixed. (In one hour, please check the Help menu in Kyma for software updates and do the update).

Thanks for finding and reporting the discrepancy!
answered Jan 2, 2023 by ssc (Savant) (128,240 points)
Thank you, I have downloaded the updated files and can confirm that the Fake Keyboard's channel number now works as expected!