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How is your scrolling speed in Sound File window?

+1 vote
I just wanted to double check if it is me or it is something everyone else is experiencing:

How is your scrolling speed in Sound File windows? mine is very slow compared to other windows in the Kyma environment, if my Sound File window is smaller than the total amount of the Sounds it contains then scrolling to see other portions of the window is very slow.. not a big nuisance, just checking if it is just me. :-)
asked Jan 18, 2023 in Using Kyma by georgina (Practitioner) (860 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Mine is fine. But in the past I have had issues with some Kyma windows on my second display appearing to act very slowly like this, including VCS and oscilloscopes etc. not redrawing fast enough. It's been so long (and on an older MacBook) that I can't remember the fix. Are you using two displays?
answered Jan 21, 2023 by ghood (Master) (3,060 points)
Hi and thanks for the kind answer, I'm on a desktop computer with two monitors, the Sound File window scrolling is equally slow on both of them..
Now that you mention it, the spectrum analysis windows are also quite choppy but I thought this was a Kyma thing since they appear a bit choppy on other people's videos on YouTube..