"this sound will run out of realtime" -> barely registering cpu load

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Hi all, 

I have a Sound that I modified while studying the X Revealed Tutorial.

It is a Self-replicating sequencer that I have modified adding one more step.

When I compile the sound it says "the sound will run out of real time", yet when I continue the process barely registers on the DSP usage. 

It runs and sounds fine but I'm wondering if I did something wrong with it... ;-)

I'm running a Pacamara pro.

I'm attaching the Sound for reference.



asked Jan 21, 2023 in Using Kyma by georgina (Practitioner) (860 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
While for nearly all settings, this barely exercises the Pacamara, it is possible to set Frequency, BPM, Duration to extreme values that could get close to running out of real time (they also don't sound very good, so you're not missing anything by staying in a more reasonable range). Unfortunately the Sound compiler schedules for the worst case scenario; that's why it gives the warning (even though we had to work long and hard to find parameter settings that even came close to taxing the system ;)

The rightmost StepSequencer doesn't really need a polyphony of 8. Reducing that number eliminates the warning message.
answered Jan 25, 2023 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
selected Jun 18, 2023 by georgina