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RME class compliant interface with Ristretto

0 votes

I see that the ristretto is working with the RME UFX in class compliant mode. Does anyone know if the RME UCX2 will also work in CC? Same chipset?

About to get on the Ristretto train and thinking of audio interfaces :)
asked Nov 9, 2023 in Hardware & Interfaces by craigvear (150 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes


Good News: The RME Fireface UCX II is class compliant and can be directly connected to the Pacamara.

To set up the interface into CC mode:
- Click the button "SETUP/REV"
- Go to the Menu "Options"
- Select the menu "Hardware/Diagnosis"
- Set the attribute "CC Mode" to "ON"

You may find some additional information watching this Video on Youtube:

Have fun,


answered Nov 10, 2023 by richard-wagner (270 points)
edited Nov 10, 2023 by richard-wagner
Thanks Richard. Great to know.