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Cannot set different audio input and output

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I'm just starting my journey with Kyma (got it in November) and would like to apologize if I'm asking any stupid question. I have a problem with the audio input and output of Kyma:

I have a Pacamara connected to a desktop PC (ehternet for the comm and USB for the audio/midi). I connected a microphone (Yeti with USB interface) to the top USB 2.0. For audio input and output, I have the following choices in the DSP window: Silent device, Built-in 3.5 mm, Host USB,  Yeti stereo microphone. So far so good.

Now I want to sample the sound of the microphone, and listen to Kyma with my headphones. So, in the DSP window, I try to set the audio input to "Yeti Stereo Microphone" and audio output to "Built-in 3.5mm". However, this is not possible: any choice I make for audio input is automatically copied to audio output, and vice versa. This is happening for any choice (silent device, host USB, 3.5 mm, Yeti). The same problem also appears when the Yeti is not connected (so the Yeti is not the problem). So for me it is impossible to choose different audio inputs and outputs. The same appears to apply for the midi I/O as well.

 Does anybody have a hint on what I'm doing wrong? Or is this expected behavior?

Thanks for your feedback.
asked Dec 8, 2023 in Hardware & Interfaces by bart-van-hoeydonck (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

You do nothing wrong. This is the behavior since ever: in the DSP window you can choose only one connected interface and it is the same for input and output; see

Normally you should connect a good USB Audio Interface to the Pacamara, providing several channels. Then you can route it within every Kyma Sound ... one channel for microphone, another for audio out, another for a headphone and so on.

answered Dec 8, 2023 by explodingtickets (Adept) (1,380 points)
Thanks for this clear answer. I searched for it in the faq, but at that time I couldn't find it. So thanks for the pointing to the right place in the faq as well :-)
0 votes
Bart, do you see the Yeti as one of the choices for Audio input and output in the Kyma DSP Status window? If so, then you should be able to choose Yeti as your Audio input/output and plug your headphones into the headphone jack on the Yeti. The Yeti should act as an audio interface for the Pacamara.

If there is a "zero-latency monitor" on the Yeti, you should turn its level down so you hear the sound processed through the Pacamara rather than the direct sound from the microphone.
answered Dec 11, 2023 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
Yes, I can see the Yeti on both input and output. There is a headphone jack on the Yeti, with zero latency output. But I can't find any option to listen to the Pacamara (I can only hear the sound picked up by the microphone, and if I turn the volume down or mute, there is no sound at all). In the meanwhile I have solved it in a more complicated way, by using Cubase and Asio4All. But this is anyway more inline with my "target configuration", so that is fine. Thanks anyway for the hint.