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Delay time Script

+1 vote
This came up in conversation at Kiss and I offerred to share it with some folks.   Here is an expression pasted into a delay scale field that I modified from Carla's 10 taps delay script.  Now you will never have to type delay times again!  It is three array expressions concatenated into one array that creates delay times ranging from a whole note to a 64th note, with the matching dotted and triplet notes .  You will need to go into the vcs and label the tick marks appropriately.

{ (!BPM bpm s removeUnits *4) *  !Delay2Sync of: ((0 to: 6 collect: [ :i | (2**i) inverse ]), (0 to: 6 collect: [ :i | (3/(2**i))]), (0 to: 6 collect: [ :i | (1/3) * (1/(2**(i-1)))])) })
asked Aug 30, 2015 in Capytalk & Smalltalk by rafe

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