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Note-wise selecting from a set of envelopes

0 votes
How might one go about selecting from a small set of ADSR envelopes (say from a max set of eight), to be applied to an oscillator on a note-wise basis ?

I think I could start with an ExtraValue sent from a Kyma StepSequencer to do the selecting, then perhaps make a version that does the same via an incoming MIDI CC.

The part I'm not so clear on, is the part of the patch that would be common to both approaches.
asked Mar 3 in Sound Design by thom-jordan (Practitioner) (800 points)
retagged Mar 4 by thom-jordan

1 Answer

0 votes
One approach is to parameterize the ADSR envelope and to make those parameters dependent on the MIDI note number (and optionally the velocity and timbre).

Another approach might be to use MultiSample and select an envelope shape from among 8 precomputed samples using !Index (where !Index would be a function of the notenumber or could be set from the ExtraValue field as you describe). To apply the envelope to the sound generator, you would multiply the MultiSample by the Oscillator (or paste the MultiSample into the Scale field of the Oscillator, since it is updated at the sample rate).
answered Mar 3 by ssc (Savant) (128,000 points)
I wish to be able to adjust the envelopes in real time, so the first approach seems more flexible.

Is there a way to set the eight envelopes by having each in its own object, and then have the appropriate settings be applied to the oscillator according to the note-number (or other selection criteria) ?

I need to be able to adjust each envelope as the sequence is playing, while keeping the selection pattern the same, to dial it in.
Maybe each envelope doesn't need to be in its 'own object'.
I can see having 32 knobs in the VCS, as ADSR parameters for each of the eight.  

The important thing is to be able to set them in real time, and be able to switch between the eight settings according to the selection value provided by the sequence.
"The important thing is to be able to set them in real time, and be able to switch between the eight settings according to the selection value provided by the sequence."

Any further hints?
IDK if something like this is even possible.

It can be very frustrating to spend days on trying to figure out a specific use case like this, only to find out it's not quite possible... or maybe is it and I just haven't found it yet? Fast forward a week or two and I tend to give up.
You could use !Stage to index into an Array of values for a parameter, for example:
!Stage of: #( 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.75)
Or, as you mentioned earlier, send them from Arrays in the ExtraValues field.
OK that makes sense. There's enough here for me to go on, thank you.