Paca's Power Brick stop working! Any idea?

0 votes
The power on blue indicator don't work, no output power.

Is possible to open it for repair? Any idea?


Thanks for any help
asked Apr 3 in Hardware & Interfaces by plinio-hessel-junior (180 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

We don't recommend trying to repair the power brick -- if something about the repair goes wrong, you would risk damaging your Paca!

There are 2 possible replacement power bricks that you could use, both manufactured by XP Power: AHM85PS12 and ALM120PS12.

You can use the following links to find stocking distributors:



answered Apr 3 by ssc (Savant) (128,000 points)
selected Apr 8 by plinio-hessel-junior
thank you for your attention!