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Control voltage 1V/octave into Pacamara

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I have a ribbon controller that generates control voltage 1V/octave. What are my options to bring the CV into Pacamara to control pitch in Kyma? Along with the CV for pitch, I would like to bring in up to 7 other CV for expression.

1. CV to OSC?
2. CV to MIDI CC using ADDAC System ADDAC221 CV to CC
asked Aug 3 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by tony-leung (120 points)
edited Aug 3 by tony-leung
Hi Tony, do you already have an ADDAC System ADDAC221 CV to CC or Expert Sleepers CVM-8?

(You might also try posing this question on the Kyma Discord in case someone in the community has experience with CV-OSC or MIDI mapping)
I do not have any hardware. I wasn't aware of the Expert Sleepers CVM-8. That looks like it would work. Thx.

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