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latest version of Kyma 7..?

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What is the latest version of Kyma? I'm using the version 7.43f5 from 3 September 2024. Everytime I launch Kyma is says there's a new version ... even right after I've gone through the update/install process (This has been going on for a while). Is there actually a newer version than the one I'm using?


P.S. I have crappy 20th-century Internet, so that might be an issue and certainly influences my decision as to how to respond to the prompt.
asked Sep 19, 2024 in Using Kyma by mark-phillips (Adept) (1,280 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

If you see that there is a new version, you should download and install it. (There are two parts to the update: the files in the Kyma folder and the application in the Mac Applications folder.  You should respond to the prompt to ensure that both parts are up to date).

Would Starlink provide an improvement over your current Internet service?

answered Sep 19, 2024 by ssc (Savant) (129,140 points)
I’ll try updating again tomorrow … *after* my concert performance. :-)
Concert performance went well. Going through the update process on the university’s high-speed Internet was quick and painless. Interestingly, it didn’t seem to change the version of Kyma I was running (still running 7.43f5 from 3 September 2024). But … I after quitting, shutting down and restarting another time, I did *not* get another notification that there was a new version of Kyma available. So that’s progress. Meanwhile … I’ve been using the 7++ installation since it was in beta and I’ve been running it for the last year on a 1y/o MacBook running OS 14.6.1. Though it’s labelled as “universal,” I just noticed that it also states that it’s for OS 15 and that Kyma+ is for older OS versions. So now I’m wondering if I should be using the “+” version instead of the “++" version? Both versions seem to run fine. And I’ve played both my concerts this month using 7++ Any thoughts?
Kyma 7++ is for macOS 10.15 and newer. So you have the right version.
I am seeing roughly this same issue on Windows 10 since roughly the same time.  Every time Kyma starts, it detects an update available.  If I say download it, a file gets downloaded to the Kyma7 folder, but that file "disappears" as soon as the download finishes. (and Kyma closes on a dialog that says "run the downloaded installer file in .../Kyma 7 Folder (i.e. run the installer file that just disappeared)".  If I say, don't download it, I can use Kyma and the latest release notes are for 7.43f6 (7 October 2024).

Am I experiencing expected behavior?

Where can I find the latest version info here on the Kyma website to cross reference what I'm seeing in the app?

To clarify, I think I first experienced this same issue after updating to 7.43f5, and then successfully updated to f6, but am still experiencing the same weird behavior under 7.43f6.  I don't know if f6 is still the current version.