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VanDerPol Oscilator - driver waveforms other than sine

0 votes


Looking through the documentation in the VanDerPol Oscilator and I noticed this: can also experiment with Ratios other than 1 and Driver waveforms other than Sine to get unusual distortion and modulation effects.

How would you set a driver waveform other than sine here?
The only parameters I can see are Envelope, Frequency, Ratio, Squareness and Brightness


asked Nov 15, 2024 in Using Kyma by sean-flannery (Adept) (1,520 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
The "van der Pol Oscillator Driven Mono Audio" in Prototypes (under Dynamical Systems) has an Input (the driver). Any signal can function as the driver (or you can change the waveform of the oscillator in the prototype to be something other than Sine).
answered Nov 18, 2024 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
Thanks SSC. The spaces in the name make all the difference in the search results ;)