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Does anyone know anything about the future of SRMemoryWriter?

0 votes

I was using it in performances as recently as mid-September. This week, I couldn't get the sound to run at all. Is this something that can (or will) be fixed? If not ... is there a replacement or workaround? The key difference between it and the original MemoryWriter prototype is that "cyclical" can be turned on and off while it's running. 

Here is a link to the sound posted on this site.


asked Nov 16, 2024 in Sound Design by mark-phillips (Adept) (1,280 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
This was a contribution by "frozen reeds" to the community library. Can you provide more details on what is going wrong? We tried it, and it seemed to be working correctly.
answered Nov 18, 2024 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
FYI: I sent an email (November 19: Symbolic Sound Corporation <> ; before posting here) with a more detailed description and attachments. Here is the "fatal flaw” error message I get. Error: The message #clipTo01, sent to trigger, and instance of class SelectableSound, was not understood.  With button choices  “OK”  or “Stack trace”

Ugh … If it works fine on your system I’m guessing it’s yet another instance of a problem that exists only on my system. @!$@#!#!  I have several sound files in the folder “Waves” that have the same issue — works on your system; doesn’t work on mine. I managed to create a successful workaround for that, I’ll look into the matter when I get back to home to my studio.
I've been getting the same errors. The #clipTo01 errors have started occurring since the last update - they seem related to sample rate triggering of the TimeIndex or FunctionGenerator Sounds.
Hopefully it will be fixed in the next update. I don't think it's a problem with the SRMemoryWriter itself.
Thanks, Mark & Alan, this has been fixed in the upcoming software update (that explains why it worked here on our setup).
Thanks. Good to know. Hope the update comes out soon. :-)
Any word on when the update that fixes the SRMemoryWriter is coming? Maybe in time to serve as a Christmas present from Symbolic Sound?