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Does anyone know anything about the future of SRMemoryWriter?

0 votes

I was using it in performances as recently as mid-September. This week, I couldn't get the sound to run at all. Is this something that can (or will) be fixed? If not ... is there a replacement or workaround? The key difference between it and the original MemoryWriter prototype is that "cyclical" can be turned on and off while it's running. 

Here is a link to the sound posted on this site.


asked 4 days ago in Sound Design by mark-phillips (Adept) (1,170 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
This was a contribution by "frozen reeds" to the community library. Can you provide more details on what is going wrong? We tried it, and it seemed to be working correctly.
answered 2 days ago by ssc (Savant) (128,080 points)
FYI: I sent an email (November 19: Symbolic Sound Corporation <> ; before posting here) with a more detailed description and attachments. Here is the "fatal flaw” error message I get. Error: The message #clipTo01, sent to trigger, and instance of class SelectableSound, was not understood.  With button choices  “OK”  or “Stack trace”

Ugh … If it works fine on your system I’m guessing it’s yet another instance of a problem that exists only on my system. @!$@#!#!  I have several sound files in the folder “Waves” that have the same issue — works on your system; doesn’t work on mine. I managed to create a successful workaround for that, I’ll look into the matter when I get back to home to my studio.
I've been getting the same errors. The #clipTo01 errors have started occurring since the last update - they seem related to sample rate triggering of the TimeIndex or FunctionGenerator Sounds.
Hopefully it will be fixed in the next update. I don't think it's a problem with the SRMemoryWriter itself.
Thanks, Mark & Alan, this has been fixed in the upcoming software update (that explains why it worked here on our setup).