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OSC in WaitUntil/SoundToGlobalController

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Sorry this image looks rather large!!!   I am having and issue with osc messages in a SoundToGlobalController - When the OSC message goes to 1, the generated value in the SoundToGlobalController does not change - I am using that value in a WaitUnitl - seems that even though the OSC message is being received it does not generate a value in the SoundToGlobalController


asked Nov 26, 2024 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by garth-paine (Practitioner) (350 points)

3 Answers

0 votes

this resized image might help

answered Nov 26, 2024 by garth-paine (Practitioner) (350 points)
0 votes

I have no experience with OSC, but a lot of experience with "WaitUntil" (including many trials and errors before becoming reasonably proficient).  I think you want to leave the default "dummy" input. After that the easiest solution might be to put your ...

!OSC_fader3 eq: 1    or possibly...   !OSC_fader3 asLogicControl

(or whatever value you want) into the Resume window.

FYI: C&K have advised me to avoid using SoundToGlobalControllers in many contexts and instead use MapEventValues. But you could just paste your SoundToGlobalController into the Resume window and get away with it ... much of the time.   :-)

answered Nov 26, 2024 by mark-phillips (Adept) (1,260 points)
0 votes
Two thoughts: It may be that you are not setting the value to zero between triggers? If the value is already 1, then sending a second 1 does not cause a change.

Another thought: could you simply put !osc_fader3 directly into the Resume field of the WaitUntil? (Leaving its input as the dummy Sound as Mark suggested)
answered Nov 27, 2024 by ssc (Savant) (129,100 points)
Thanks everyone - SSC - no surprise but..... you are absolutely right - I was not setting it to Zero at compile time.  The value was 0.5 when the patch compiled but of course that is non zero.  I like using the SoundToGlobalController as the variable then shows in the VCS and I can make it a multicolored button and be able to see the change from a distance in performance.