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issues with .wav file format

0 votes

For the record, I'm on a Mac, using 14.6.1. and the most recent version of Kyma.

I'm having issues with .WAV files. I seem to remember that I used to be able to drag a .WAV file onto the Kyma application in the dock or in the application folder. I can't do that these days. But I can drag .AIF or .AIFF files onto the Kyma app and I can open most (but not all) ,WAV files from within Kyma using the file::open (or command-O). In instances that I am unable to open a .WAV file, I get the following warning ... which requires that I quite or force-quit Kyma and shutdown my pacarana. 



asked Jan 2 in Using Kyma by mark-phillips (Adept) (1,260 points)
Hi Mark, please email an example of a .wav file that results in the warning.
done … sorry about the delay.

1 Answer

0 votes
Have you tried selecting the .wav file, using CMD+I  (get info) and scrolling down to the
Open with:
section of the menu and selecting Kyma?
That's the only thing thing I can think of that doesn't involve digging deeper into your .wav format settings.


answered Jan 7 by tom-tolleson (210 points)
Thanks, Tom. After looking at Mark's files we discovered that there was a hidden character in the file descriptor UTI that caused macOS not to recognize .wav files when they were dropped in the Kyma icon in the dock (but you could still open them from inside Kyma). This has been fixed and will be available in the next software update. Thanks Tom & Mark!