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The quickest way to get Kyma to respond to a external midi input?

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Hi all,

 Just starting back up after several years away away from my Pacarana and finding myself stymied by something very basic.

I have the Pacarana hooked up to a Motu 828 hybrid for both midi and audio. I'm able to get audio from kyma if i play sound via the fake kyboard with no issue and I'm routing midi from a keyboard via ableton live with no issue and kyma is seeing it as it displays in as incoming in the DSP status window (on the correct channel) yet any keyboard sound I play will only respond to the fake keyboard. I know it's something very simple yet the manual does a deep dive very quickly so I think I'm missing it.

Help pretty please? :-)
asked Jan 30 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by arik-tillman (120 points)
In the DSP Status menu, do you have the MoTU selected as the MIDI input/output?
I do, and when I play my master midi keyboard I see the M flashing under #1 in the DSP Status window showing that midi is getting routed correctly through the hardware to Kyma.
You could open the MIDI log to see what MIDI channel you are receiving. The default channel for receiving MIDI in Kyma is channel 1, unless you change it using Configure MIDI under the DSP menu (or use a MIDIVoice in the signal flow).
Hi! I HAD the same problem with Pacamara. Found the solution by turning MPE compatibility mode to "Off". :)

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