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How to separate re-synthesis tracks

0 votes
When I got my basic Capybara 320 a couple of decades ago, I wanted to isolate each resynthesis tracks (yes, that's a lot), or at least group them in such a way that I could distribute them in separate channels or save them as separate files.

Now that I have a Ristretto, the idea came back as the procesasing power is at an other level now.

What would be the best way to achieve that?

I'd like to do live testing (live re-synthesis with no pre determined analysis file) so 8 tracks limit for basic testing, but I'd want to have more possibilities for off-line harmonic tracks manipulation.

Thanks in advance for any clue!
asked Feb 16 in Sound Design by karl-mousseau (210 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

I would investigate the prototypes SpectrumTrackSelector and SpectrumModifier. Let us know how it goes. Thanks!

answered Feb 17 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
Gee! I missed that prototype when it was added! Since when this gem has been added to the list? My memory can only recall prototypes from Kyma 4.5 :D Thanks for the reminder anyways!