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How do OSC values get reinterpreted / translated?

+1 vote


I've got a Sound that uses 8 Level Sounds and has the parameter Left set to !dbGain1 dB through !dBGain8 dB.  In the VCS, I've set the ranges to Min: -12, Max: 12, Grid: 3. It seems to works fine when directly using the faders in the VCS.

I've written a Python program running on an Ubuntu Linux box that communicates with that Sound via OSC, using the python-osc module. When I send it a floating point number between -12 and 12, nothing seems to happen.  When I send it 99.9, (which I did by accident) it sets the corresponding speaker's value in the VCS to 2894 or some such number. It was 2000+.  I forget the exact number.

So, what's happening with the value being sent from Python?

(When I tried a similar thing with /vcs/Frequency/1/  in CrossfadingMulticycleOscillator Non-aliasing Sawtooth, I learned that !Frequency hz was not in hertz, but in hertz / 20000.)

asked Sep 25, 2015 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by kevin-cole (Adept) (1,050 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
Generally speaking, OSC messages to the Paca(rana) should be floating point values between 0 and 1. The Paca(rana) will map the value to the range of the widget, with 0 being mapped to the widget's minimum value and 1 being mapped to the widget's maximum value.

If you would like to send the parameter value directly, set the widget's minimum to 0 and maximum to 1; this will cause the OSC message value to be passed to the Sound unscaled.
answered Oct 2, 2015 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
selected Mar 8, 2016 by kevin-cole
+1 vote
I find OSCulator by Camille Trouillard, invaluable as it is very Kyma friendly.
answered Oct 13, 2015 by cristian-vogel (Master) (8,570 points)