Record to disk ... in stereo

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Sorry for the n00b-ish question I'm brand new to Kyma.

I've generated a gallery of sounds from the Tau editor -- many which are stereo.  When I go to the "Action" menu  and "Record To Disk" it will only give me the option to record 1 channel (mono) eventhough the Sound is clearly stereo.

What is the best solution for this? If I add a gain prototype to the end of the sound's signal flow and create individual faders for L and R it allows me to record stereo... but this doesn't seem like an elegant solution?


asked Oct 8, 2015 in Using Kyma by brian-trifon (180 points)
Are you sure your generated gallery of sounds is really stereo? With analysis files it can easily happen that the result is mono. Did you check Multichannel when analyzing with the TAU Editor?

1 Answer

0 votes
I'm a little confused about this myself. I am hearing playback from a Kyma sound in stereo, but when I select "Record to disk" I am only given the option of creating a mono file.

If I insert a disk recorder after the sound I want to capture, I can record stereo that way. But that is a clumsy process compared to "Record to disk".

Please tell us what we are missing here. Thanks,

answered Nov 5, 2015 by jason-wolford (290 points)
Could you please send an example of one of the stereo Sounds that will not let you record both channels?  Please send it via email to  Thanks for your help!
Thanks for the response guys. I am happy to report that I am not seeing this issue today. I've created new galleries and tried some of the stereo sons du jour, and I am consistently getting the option to record 2 channels when I use Record to Disk option for stereo content. Not sure what was wrong, but it seems to be working now.