I'm trying to establish an OSC connection to Processing3 where I would like to send a lot of streams at the same time. I have encountered a number of blockers, and wondered if you could clarify.
Firstly, if I set a GlobalController to send osc for example - !osc_amps_1 - and set this globalController to not show in the VCS, I don't see its output coming into OSCulator or my Processing sketch. Also if I hide the widget in the VCS editor, the OSC signal stops sending. I deduce that if its not visible in the VCS it won't send the signal? Is that correct?
My goal is to send many signals over OSC for a visualisation outside Kyma. But I have also noticed that when the VCS is running I must have Kyma 7 active as the main application, because if it is in the background, the multitude of data streams become sluggish and jerky (as does the VCS animation)
So I tried a SmallFader, which is just the numbers without the widget - which does seem to work better. Unless I try to move any other fader in the VCS (for example one that is not sending OSC data, but is controlling parameters of the Sound synthesis) and then the OSC streams from the Small Faders are temporarily stopped until I stop dragging the Widget I am moving.
I would like to be able to send lots of OSC data without having to see faders animated in the VCS - so that they are not interrrupted by any movement of any of the controls. I'm sure I did this in the past for my RetroInterrupt performance for example, but I can't seem to get the same behaviour now.
Any thoughts or suggestions?