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How do I send live MIDI information from DAW to Kyma?

0 votes

I use Ableton and Logic as my primary DAWs and I want to send MIDI information (something as simple as a piano roll loop) to Kyma. I have tried to figure it out on my own but have not had any luck. I use the MOTU Ultralite Mk3. Any help is greatly appreciated.

asked Oct 11, 2015 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by brian-sloss (190 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer


There are 2 ways to do this. Either use KymaConnect which builds up a virtual MIDI port or do it the good old way by connecting a MIDI cable from the interface you are using in your DAW to the interface you are using with the Paca(rana). Make sure you specified the interface as MIDI input in Kyma (DSP->Status->Midi Input). You should see a small 'm' in the top left of the DSP status window when Kyma is receiving MIDI. 

There are numerous MIDI message already mapped inside the global map, most convenient: !KeyDown, !KeyPitch, !KeyVelocity, !PitchBend, !ProgramNumber. Also there is !bt00, !sw00, !cc00 which results in a button, a toggle or a fader following MIDI cc00. To see all go to Open -> Kyma 7 Folder/Global Maps/ (You can also edit or create your own global map).

If you want Polyphony check the MIDIVoice prototype, it replicates the signal flow according to the polyphony settings.

You could also try searching for Sound Names containing 'KBD' and you'll get 100s of Sounds using MIDI control.


Hope it helps :)



answered Oct 12, 2015 by kymaguy (Virtuoso) (10,580 points)
selected Oct 12, 2015 by brian-sloss
Thanks for the in-depth answer, Gustav.
One can also search by Sound control (keyboard, pen or accelerometer).  And in the Wave Editor, one can generate a Gallery of keyboard controlled examples.