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Can I start Kyma with an initial Kyma Sound file loaded and ready, from within another program?

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As I gain understanding of OSC, I'm wondering if I can use Python (running on the same machine as Kyma) to send a command -- via the Bash shell or otherways -- to Mac OS X that says "Start Kyma in the background and queue up YadaYada.kym for Compile, Load and Start.  Let me know when it's done so that I can then send OSC messages."

Or, am I stuck with starting Kyma manually, manually doing the File -> Open -> ... dance followed by the ^P before starting the Python code?

If door number one is a possibility, will it still say "Kyma" before cranking up? Or is there a way to surpress the splash screen and "splash sound"? In fact, surpress as much of the visual interface as possible and run in "production" mode rather than "development / editing" mode.


P.S. I don't want to change the overall Kyma preferences if I can avoid it, since I want all the start-up bells, whistles and dialog windows to happen when I click the Kyma launch icon. I just don't want them if I'm starting it from Python code.
asked Oct 15, 2015 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by kevin-cole (Adept) (1,050 points)

1 Answer

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If you can get Python to write a command line like this:

open "file://localhost/Volumes/Macintosh HD/yourSounds.kym”

Mac OS is supposed to open the document in the default application for its type (as determined by LaunchServices).

A better solution would be to open your Tool (a file with the .pci extension), rather than a Sound file.  That will start the Tool (and your Tool can play the Sounds).

To silence the startup Sound, you have to edit the Preferences>Performance.  Uncheck "Play sound when DSP initialized".

Kyma will start with the same windows open that were open the last time you quit.  So if you quit with most of the windows closed, that should prevent too many of them from being open when you launch the Tool.

answered Oct 15, 2015 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)