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Kyma freezes when analyzing file in Tau window.

+1 vote


I can't get Kyma to analyze a file in the Tau window.  I open a new window, drag in a file (tried using Count.aif from Samples>Speech). The save PSI analysis window pops up as expected. After pointing it to a folder and naming the file, Kyma runs the first two processes (Estimating Freq Range & Analyzing Coung) then the program freezes.  I can move the cursor around, pull down menus from the menubar, select windows but there is no response from the program. Nothing can be selected or played in any window. Program must be forced to quit. 

Tried restart, tried different account, tried multiple samples, tried saving to multiple places. Checked for updates.

Updated Mac to 10.11.1 but same problem. 

Tried to open the psi files that were created and get the attached error message. Kyma error message

I'm a pretty new user so this could just be me being dumb.

Thanks for any help.

asked Nov 14, 2015 in Using Kyma by joe-pino (210 points)
Hi Joe,
I tried analyzing Count.aif just now without seeing the freeze that you are encountering so there must be some subtle difference in what each of us is doing.  Where are you saving the .psi file?  Are you logged in as the administrator of your computer or as a user?  Do you have read/write permissions set for the folder where you said to save the .psi file? What is your sample rate? Thanks!
Hi ssc!

Thanks for the suggestions but nothing worked. I hooked my laptop up to the Pacarana and everything worked fine. So then I hooked the computer in question to a Paca from the other classroom and it froze. I've tried all different sample rates. Admin permissions don't seem to be the issue as it freezes in all accounts.  I tried reinstalling Kyma, creating new accounts, and saving the files to different locations.  

Since the psi creation works flawlessly when my laptop is connected,  which has the same OS and same version of Kyma, I assume it's not a problem with the Pacarana or the cables but with something on the actual computer.  

I suppose the next thing would be to wipe the computer and reinstall everything but that will have to wait until the end of the term.
Hey SSC, got the very same problem here. Logged in as administrator, all permissions, 48kHz samplerate.
Just tried it again: analyzed count.aif at 48 kHz, and saved analysis on the Desktop without any problems.  Wonder what could be different? Could you please give a more detailed step-by-step of how you're getting the problem?  Thanks!
I'm opening a new TAU, click the + sign, choose a sample, save the psi on the desktop. then the analysis starts but after the first two processes it stops and Kyma freezes. Interestingly it works fine on my macbook but doesn't with my iMac..
Hi Joe,
On the classroom computer, are you able to save other file types (like samples)?
Are you able to open and view already-analyzed .tau and .psi files?
Hey SSC, don't know about joe but I can save other file types and I can open existing psi/tau files without a problem
Hi guys, Could you please make a screen movie of the process (using QuickTime) and email it to us.  Thanks!

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