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Pacarana can not connected to Konnekt24D interface

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After moving my kyma setup from Mac12core to Macmini i7. Pacarana will not see my Konnekt24D interface.

Every kabel is the same.Konnekt Driver is not on the computer.

When pacarana is connected solo to macmini it all fine. Its the same picture for Konnekt i7 .

Tested with 3 firewire kabels and Behringer FCA610 same outcome. ???????

Macmini i7( late 2012) - Mac10.10.5 - Pacarana - Konnekt24D - Kyma 7.04f2

asked Nov 21, 2015 in Hardware & Interfaces by nino-jacobsen (120 points)
Could you please describe how you have everything connected?  Mac --> Thunderbolt-FireWire800-->Pacarana? Pacarana 800-400 cable to Konnekt24D?

Under Apple menu>About this Mac > System Report >Hardware > FireWire
Do you see the Pacarana and the Konnekt24D?
Okay its connected like this :

Mac - FW800 - pacarana-FW800 to FW400 - Konnekt24D / Behringer FCA610

Problem is when i connect Konnekt or Behringer interface to the FW chain, paracana wont start up

( Please connect or start up pacarana ).

Pacarana solo on the FW chain its all fine. Konnekt or Behringer solo on FW chain also fine.

This goes for Thunderbolt FW or direct FW from Macmini.
Is the Konnekt24D powered by its external power supply?  (It cannot draw bus power from the Pacarana FW port).
Yes...Konnekt24D is powered by ext power supply.
Please try connecting the 24D to your computer.  And the Pacarana to the 24D. Please tell us the result.
Same result !!
If i connect  Mac FW 800 to pacarana and Thunderbolt FW 800-400 to 24D.
Both machines react and are connected but pacarana can not see 24D.
 ( 2 different FW chaines )
Please try connecting the 24D to your computer (800 to 400).  And the Pacarana to the 24D (through its second FireWire port, 400 to 800). Please tell us the result.
Same Result.....No connection !!

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