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Warning message

0 votes


Running the Sound Dolby Spectral Processing appeared this warning.?

Running on MacOSX10.7 Kyma 7.05

Thank you

Luis Aly

asked Dec 14, 2015 in General by luis-aly (Practitioner) (570 points)
LRAbsMax seems to be a microsound and is not compatible with the Paca(rana). Take a look at what the microsound does and see if you can replace it with something else...

2 Answers

+1 vote
The error message 'The microSound class LRAbsMax does not exist' indicates that whoever created this Sound relied on some third party Capybara assembly language modules that were not part of the Kyma release (and which are no longer compatible with the current version of Kyma).
answered Dec 15, 2015 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
0 votes

Hey Luis,

Mad coincidence, I just opened up a Sound which contains the same microsound. Looking at the description it was fairly easy to build a replacement. I've attached it here - Enjoy!

answered Dec 16, 2015 by kymaguy (Virtuoso) (10,580 points)