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Audio converters: comparison

0 votes
had anyone the chance to use Pacarana with the followings audio interfaces?

- Lynx Aurora 8/FW;
- Prism Orpheus FW;
- Apogee Ensemble;

and which one of them would you advice as signal converter (and why)?

Thank You.
asked Jan 8, 2016 in Hardware & Interfaces by vincenzo-gualtieri (280 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I have used the Ensemble and it was great but I now use the Prism. I had minor issues with swapping tasks, using one for Kyma duties and one for general purpose use. So I now go digitally SPDIF into the Prism from a Motu Ultralite, (looking to get a Track 16 at some point for ADAT in) This way I still get the great conversion without the issue of picking up the soundcard after using it with Kyma. Hope that helps. They are al great interfaces.


Best of luck


answered Jan 18, 2016 by simon-smith (Adept) (1,200 points)
Many thanks Simon: it helps, a lot!

