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Is anyone else having trouble uploading a screenshot image to the community library contributions?

0 votes

I seem to get a broken link when I try to add a screenshot to attach as thumbnail to my uploads such as my PasiphaeBells Sound.
Is it just me having that problem?

asked Jan 12, 2016 in General by cristian-vogel (Master) (8,460 points)
How far did you get in the upload process?

After you selected the image file on your computer, did it upload and then show you a preview?

After that, did you click the "Save changes" button or the "Insert into post" button?

1 Answer

0 votes
We're able to do it here but maybe it is something to do with access permissions.  It is a plugin so we've asked but are still waiting to hear back from the people who made it.

At least the important part is working (the Sound)!
answered Jan 13, 2016 by ssc (Savant) (128,200 points)
That's true  - Sound always works marvellously well in Kyma!
 I only get so far as clicking in the Screenshot upload button then a pop up opens but its content is a broken link page rather than a file upload dialog