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MultiplexableSTGC behaviour

0 votes

Hi there,

First of all thank you for that excellent addition to the STGCs :)

However, I'm experiencing some problems using it:

I've created 4 of them to control 4 Sounds using a switch to select which on is active. Working fine, and really keeps the VCS tidy. The problem is I can't save snapshots really, the snapshot will only contain the currently selected values, so when I switch to control another Sound I'm back to the default values...

Also I'm missing an AllowLiveOverride option like in the triggeredSTGC - would be really handy... please cool


asked Jan 19, 2016 in Using Kyma by kymaguy (Virtuoso) (10,580 points)
We tried an example here and it seemed to work.  Could you post your Sound here so we can see what might be going wrong?  Thanks!
ok, will do tomorrow!

1 Answer

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Best answer
Solved: You need to make sure you set the range of the widgets right for both the STGC Value and the GeneratedEvent. Also to avoid unexpected behaviour check which widgets are affected by the presets. It may make sense to exclude some (in my case the switch to select which Sound I want to control).
answered Jan 25, 2016 by kymaguy (Virtuoso) (10,580 points)
It would be great if the GeneratedEvents are also saved in the presets when not showing on the VCS