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Is it possible to use the VCS controller pop-up with Key Events (!KeyTimbre)?

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To clarify:  If I want, say, to control the !Stiffness parameter of a banjo sound with the Timbre/Y of the Linnstrument I have to search in the sound for where !Stiffness is used, and replace it with !KeyTimbre.  The VCS popup doesn't seem to make the correct connection, at least for me.  I have tried using cc74 via


But without success. It doesn't seem to work the way I expect. It would be great to be able to abstract the control from the parameter, rather than hardwiring the sound, especially because "Stiffness" is a model of a physical parameter, and "KeyTimbre" is a musical parameter.

related to an answer for: Has anyone tried a Linnstrument with Kyma?
asked Jan 21, 2016 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by robert-efroymson (220 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer
Key events are not on the widget remapping menu because using a key event in a parameter requires recompiling the Sound to create the proper polyphony.  Unlike a continuous controller which would have only one instance per name, key events are assumed to be polyphonic.  To create the polyphony you have to recompile, you can't change the mapping while the Sound is running.
answered Jan 21, 2016 by ssc (Savant) (128,780 points)
selected Jan 22, 2016 by robert-efroymson
Would it be possible to make a feature request then? Possibly a "Modulation Matrix" like some soft synths have.  Configurable curves, directions, ranges?

Somewhat related q: is it possible to find all the places in a Sound that a particular parameter is used?  Other than clicking in every sub-object and looking I mean.

One thing you might find useful is the "modulator" in the Sound produced by the Wave editor Gallery when you check the modifiers box.  It lets you select different modulator shapes and ranges while the Sound is playing.

For now, the quickest way to find where an EventValue is used is to play sub-parts of the Sound to see if it appears in the VCS for that subpart.  But yes, it would be helpful to be able to search for uses as you describe.
I was coming onto the forum to ask this exact question (how to get key events on widget re-mapping).  I understand now why this can't be done.  It would still be great to have a search function to see where the !parameter is used so you can replace/interact with a key event.
0 votes

 If I want, say, to control the !Stiffness parameter of a banjo sound with the Timbre/Y of the Linnstrument I have to search in the sound for where !Stiffness is used, and replace it with !KeyTimbre.Y

  • You could use a TransformEventValues to non-destructively replace every occurrence of !Stiffness with !KeyTimbre in a Sound:
  • Set the Input of TransformEventValues to the Sound whose parameters include !Stiffness.
  • In SourceEventValues enter: !Stiffness
  • In TransformedEventExpressions, enter {!KeyTimbre}

You can search in the Prototypes (ctrl+B) or at the top of the Sound Browser for TransformEventValues for some examples.


answered Aug 29, 2018 by ssc (Savant) (128,780 points)