Kyma Sounds (123)
Showing 81-120 of 123
Probable Values Sequencer
Background I was reading a bit about the Wogglebug and Noisering and decided to try and make something similar. Then I got sidetracked. Probable Values Sequencer Overview The basic idea here is a sequence of random or pseudo-random events where the value for each step can change based on chance. This is accomplished via a stepped series of triggered S&Hs that sample a common input. This sound can be used to create sequences that range from fully random to shifting pseudo-random to fully periodic. Chance A chance value of 1 will always trigger the S&H. When used with the LFO input, you'll get a periodic stepped sequence. A chance value of 0 will never trigger and continue to output the previously 'stored' value. A freeze toggle will immediate set the chance for all steps to 0 and the values will not change until the freeze toggle is released. A visual step indicator displays which step is being outputted. Input section The input is mix of different types random values and a LFO that can be modulated by a second LFO oscillator. The second LFO can also modulate the input mix between the random source and LFO. The LFO is synched to the master BPM with the ratio value that divides the master clock by that amount. Random source can vary from white > pink > walk (with adjustable step size & reset). Walk is synched to master BPM. Zero input toggle silences the input and if the step is triggered, the stored value will return to zero. Output section Output can be smoothed (with wet/dry mix) and also has a scale & offset. Notes There is no sound generation included with this sound but, if you want to see what is happening, view with the oscilloscope. Included are two helper wave files for the LFO section that allow you to switch between triangle and saw values for the main LFO and sine and triangle for the secondary LFO. Read More- 14uploads
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Prophet 5 inspired synth.
Slightly updated version of an old sound published to the wiki years ago. Based on the Prophet 5 architecture but obviously doesn't sound quite the same since it doesn't try to model the SSM or Curtis filter sound. Uses waveforms included with Kyma X based on raw oscillator samples made from my Prophet 5 rev 3.2. This updated version improves (fixes) FM behaviors. To do: added missing dedicated LFO, 'expanded' version with additional routing & functionality. Read More- 14uploads
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Complex Oscillator
3-operator FM synth with a focus on different but related ways to create varying timbres. Overview primary & modulation oscillators have continuous waveform shaping primary oscillator amplitude modulation (modulated by the B oscillator) modulation B can be mixed with noise modulation B can be filtered, filter frequency set based on ratio & offset settings. Useful for filtering noise which FMs primary. output (pre filter & vca) can be feedback to FM ModB oscillator. Includes selectable filter option to tame FM behavior. 2 LFOs with selectable waveforms amp envelope env A: exp env B: lin env C: lin w/legato multiple cross-modulation points voice detune width (detunes each voice from each other) Notes / future paca users may need to lower the voice count no presets meant to add a per voice pan control waveform shape modulation may be interesting voice detune is tricky and most will find narrowing the min/max range more to their liking Read More- 14uploads
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Control FM Oscillators with a Spectrum
Use a spectral analysis to control the parameters of several frequency-modulated oscillators. An example of a more general pattern of using a SpectrumTrackSelector with ?VoiceNumber as the track number and a Replicator to create the sum of a large number of Oscillators. Read More- 15uploads
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Diplica, MultiSample DoubleReed
Happy New Year, fellow Kymanauts! As a small gift, here is “diplica” , old double reed instrument, now nearly extinct .... Samples were recorded in studio, by professional player of traditional aerophonic instruments. Two RoundRobins per note. Tuning is ... autochtonous :). More details: Enjoy, and all the best! Sacher Samuel Read More
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Stutter Machine
A simple but encapsulated stereo stuttery buffery machine.
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Complex Noise 808 Cymbal & Metallic Sounds
An experiment into complex noise. Now at V2 6 Square waves in inharmonic ratios and some white noise into some filters. inspired the Gordon Reids Article. It is a little unpredictable: I'm still working on the filter section. Now has slightly better ranging and new features! Proceed with caution. Suggestions for evolution are welcome. Read More
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Bart's Kyma Tutorials Part D: Spectrum Concepts
This is the Sound file that accompanies Bart’s Kyma Tutorials D: Spectral Concepts. Read More
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Morph Granular String Spheric Quad example
ROM Garden created string and env files into Morph1dGrainCloud with spheric quad panner example.- 18uploads
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Record Control Signals in Parallel with Audio
The Sound uses CapytalkToSound, which helps synchronize control signals with audio recordings (for installations or collaborations where a Paca is unavailable). To export our control signal in parallel with audio, we can use SelectableAudioOutput after a CapytalkToSound. Changing SelectableAudioOutput to any channel between 3-8 (not the stereo file), will allow us to save both the audio file of sound and an audio file of our control signal. Read More
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Gestoso low end monotizer
Made, with help from the pro´s, to keep the low end in mono. Utility
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Concatenate A Folder of Files into One Audio File
"Concat A Folder" Sound takes a folder of audio files and concatenates them all into one long audio file. This is a batch process, and happens out of real time. This will work for folders with stereo or mono files, but you will need the samplerate to match. Read More
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Signal Routing Matrix example
While playing around with mic inputs and live sounds I found I wanted to keep trying different routings of my signals. What would it be like if I routed the mic through the reverb before the cross filter? Is it better after? Etc. So I made this routing matrix inspired by the plug-board patching matrices on some old synths like the EMS. Anything with an output can be routed to anything with an input. Consequently the sound is crisscrossed with connections like a plate of angular spaghetti and there's a lot of MemoryWriters to allow patching of outputs into sounds which occur earlier in the kyma flow diagram. There may be a much better / easier way of doing this - let me know if there is! Update: I've added a second version of the sound where you can set the signal levels at each point in the matrix. Read More
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Stereo Alternating Rhythmic Envelope Ideas
Alternating left/right envelope with morphing envelope shape.
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Elegant Sample Granulator
An example of how elegant Kyma can be (inspired by one of the slides in Charlie Norton's talk at KISS2016). This simple effect will continually granulate any sample using a simple function shared between its parameters. See the source to study how I did it. Sound Design for Kyma 7 Designed by Cristian Vogel. Run Any positive value here will reset and run the sample from the top until the granulation point and also reset/run the granulator. Should be a Toggle in the VCS or some kind of sustained value. MaxGrains Amount of replications. 4 is already quite dense! Seperation A positive value which defines a seperation paramater, adding more and more difference to the voices. StartPoint if 0 is the start of the sample and 1 is the end, this is the point in the sample where the granulating random walk will begin. Scale The overall level of the output Seed A value between 0 and 1 which defines the pseudo random generator for this instance. Sample Any sample filename. Stereo is best! Read More
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Play Random Samples with Polyphony
Example of using the Replicator and SoundToGlobalController to randomly trigger overlapping samples.
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Bart's Kyma Tutorials C: Generating Patterns
This is the Sound file that accompanies Bart's Kyma Tutorials C: Generating Patterns Outside the StepSequencer. Read More
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Spatial EQ
Split a mono source into a pseudo-stereo signal where the center is filtered one way and the periphery is filtered in a complementary way. Read More- 15uploads
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Bart's Kyma Tutorial B. The StepSequencer
This is the Sound file that accompanies Bart's Kyma Tutorial B, the StepSequencer. Read More
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Bart's Kyma Tutorial A. Getting things sounding, organized and uncluttered
This is the Sound file that accompanies Bart's Kyma Tutorial A. That tutorial was developed to try to bring help to those who are trying to grapple with some basic concepts of how to put Sounds together. Read More
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Ecosystemic Programming Examples
Example Sound File for Ecosystemic Programming article
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FM Tutorial
Thoughts on FM: behind the algorithms Files for the FM tutorial 1. Read More- 18uploads
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SurfaceDust Ambience Maker (NeverEngineLabs)
Happy New Year 2016 from NeverEngineLabs. This simple sound is taken from the SpectralLab suite and generates noisy textures from a looping sample. It demonstrates how to build an Array of independent random walks and adds it to a synthetic spectrum which controls the amps and frequencies of a 32 partial filterbank. Also demonstrates correct embedded VCS layouts. Come and see what we're up to ! Read More
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Pasiphae Bells (NeverEngineLabs)
Pasiphae is a retrograde irregular satellite of Jupiter. It was discovered in 1908 by Philibert Jacques Melotte and later named after the mythological Pasiphaë, wife of Minos and mother of the Minotaur from Greek legend. If you love the Sound come and see what we are up to at Read More
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Reading CSV in Kyma: Part I
The files are first in a two-part series for working with CSV files inside of Kyma. This file deals with reading single-column CSV files (no delimiter) in Kyma and mapping them onto five parameters of sound (pitch, amplitude, timbre, location, duration). Read More
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Wave Synth
A pair of synthesizers built around Kyma's wavetable oscillator. The included wavetable was created by manually re-synthesizing various waveforms in a PPG Waveterm A and then playing back with a PPG Wave 2.2. One of the synths is a dual-oscillator performance instrument with a typical signal path - not unlike that on a PPG Wave. The other is built around a sequencer. Read More- 2uploads
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DriftWoodMultiSamples+Sopila (DoubleReed)
my N.Y. present to the Kymmunity
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Sound Examples for LinnStrument
Examples that can be played on the LinnStrument (or other expressive controller). Includes Sounds for switching on/off the LinnStrument LEDs and a Tool that switches cells on and off according to Conway's Game of Life rules. Read More- 15uploads
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A smalltalk based kyma batch sound which batch processes an entire folder full of single cycle waves and converts/interpolates them to 4096. Will be exchanged for a much nicer version when i am back in the studio. Read More
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Change the fftsize and/or the overlap in the script and the Sound takes care of the delay and the numbers of FFTs you need for the specified overlap. Insert desired processing between fft and inv fft... Enjoy! Read More- 5uploads
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Basic Graphical VU Meter
In response to Find out more about NeverEngine Labs at Read More- 19uploads
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Triggers from tracked amplitude
When the amplitude envelope of an audio signal starts decaying, this generates a trigger that can be used to trigger another Sound in Kyma or output as a MIDI event. At the same time, the maximum value of the amplitude envelope is used for setting the amplitude of the Kyma Sound or the MIDI event (velocity). Read More- 15uploads
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BuchlaInspired 5uploads
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MouthPieceTimeFreq Replicated
Trumpet Mouthpiece polyphonized
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Voice Sequence
Sequencer.- 18uploads
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A pair of wavesequencing-based synthesizers that recall the waveseqeuncer section of the Korg Wavestation, Turbosynth, etc. I've included a large sample collection of my own for your use, license-free and you can, of course, add your own samples. Read More- 2uploads
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Analogue style Ring modulator
Ring Modulation with ScaleOffset, phase and distortion.- 18uploads
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wacko Feedback
Little string sample from my Rajlich works with delay feedback into nonharmonic analysis. You can use an other sample or live input. Read More- 18uploads
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Scott's Intro Synth Sounds
These Sounds are the basis of what I use to introduce Kyma and teach introductory, undergraduate synthesis at St. Cloud State University in my Digital Sound, Synthesis and Composition course. Some are built from the ground up, others conveniently arrived just perfect in the Teaching Demonstrations folder of Kyma, and most fit somewhere along the continuum between those two options. I am slowly annotating the Sounds and creating a uniform VCS look, and welcome suggestions for improvement in these areas as well as for additional or complementary Sounds. Read More
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BiDi Seeker
A wave shaping sound. Follows the Amp Envelope of one sample and maps it to another using the new Kyma 7 BiDi signal follower. Read More- 19uploads
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