Hello there,
I'm trying to achieve a sound with a 'spring' to it, using a tau file morph. I have set loop points within the editor and I'd like the rate of the loop points to be controlled by !KeyVelocity, so that if I hold down the trigger, the loop plays just once but a sustain is created by the loop (the loop should release slightly over time but increase in amplitude with more pressure ((!KeyVelocity.))
So, the loop should speed up with increased pressure and slow down with decreased pressure. Hopefully, this should happen continuously.
Also, it would be good if the start time of the initial loop would be determined by velocity as well, so that a shorter press results in a quicker playback time.
I am using a continuous surface to trigger the sound, if that helps.
Any ideas?
Edit: Hello, ssc, I have done my best to upload an example, I am new here so I'm not sure how it works or whether you expected multiple files or not. All I have really done is created a new tau file from the menu, loaded two .psi files (with loop markers set) and loaded the '!KeyTimbre controls morph of "x" and "y" sound from the gallery, then changed a few commands, using the instructions you gave me and also adding a MIDI out prototype for polyphony. If you could modify this to incorporate the marker loop rate feature, that would be magnificent.
Edit 2:
Please see the following video, from around :0:31 onwards, sorry I didn't know how to embed it.
Edit 3:
Attached, is the original sound I was using. Two .psi files, in a spectral morph. Sorry for the delay in my response, hope you can still help me here.