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Looking for a hot parameter to cause a sound to pause and resume

0 votes

As in previous postings, I've got eight Multisample sounds feeding into an Output8 sound.  Up until now, I've been content to use a hot parameter in the Multisample's Gate to stop and restart each of the sounds. However, now I want my Python code to pause and resume playback rather than restart.  It seems like it should be an obvious thing, but my searching has turned up naught. Is there sound prototype (not a multigrid, timeline, tool, etc.) that will do that?

Even better (perhaps), is there a way to get the current position (time) in the sample, when stopped and then resume at position (time + X), skipping over a portion of the sample?  I think I saw hints of this, but didn't grok how to use what I saw.

asked May 6, 2016 in Sound Design by kevin-cole (Adept) (1,050 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Here's an example of using ScrubControl to play, pause, resume, or jump to a specific time.

answered May 6, 2016 by ssc (Savant) (129,140 points)
selected May 7, 2016 by kevin-cole
Lovely! Thanks!