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Keeping things in place after updating

+1 vote
So i've noticed whenever i perform an update of kyma, software or firmware it kind of messes with my mojo :)

It opens in an initial state, disregarding my settings (open sounds, browsers, etc).

Is there a way to preserve theses settings or get them back after an update?


asked May 16, 2016 in Using Kyma by greg-grigoropoulos (Practitioner) (820 points)
edited May 18, 2016 by greg-grigoropoulos
Looks like window positions are discarded after firmware updates and automatic software updates.  We'll look into changing that so the windows states are preserved between updates.  Thanks for telling us!
Thanks that would be great even if it wasn't an automated procedure (e.g a way to save the layouts and reload them after the update).


1 Answer

0 votes
This is fixed in the next update.
answered May 19, 2016 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)