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Timeline memory writer

0 votes
Hi forum

I programed a timeline that has a GenericDisk on track 1 and I want to record this output into a MemoryWriter on track 2, follows then a SampleRandomLoop on track 3, with "FromMemoryWriter" checked, that will later on read the MemoryWriter that is on track 2.

I get an error that Kyma can not find the file "recording1". Am I thinking wrong?

Once again many thanks forum

Luis Aly
asked Mar 5, 2015 in Using Kyma by luis-aly (Practitioner) (570 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

In Kyma 7, each Timeline track is in its own namespace to protect against accidental collisions of memory names and controller names.

However, in this case, you want to share the same chunk of memory across tracks.  You can do this by going to each track that should share the memory; rightClick (Ctrl+Click) on the track name to bring up the track menu; select Sharing Memory Writers: ON.

In this way, you can share memory among specific tracks, without having to make the memory global to all the tracks.


answered Mar 6, 2015 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
Timeline acces memory writer at a later time?