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three outputs of the LorenzSystem to stereo

0 votes
What is the best way to make a stereo mix out of the three outputs of the LorenzSystem inside Kyma? I thought the MultichannelToSteroMix prototype is right choice but It is not true, right?
asked Dec 14, 2016 in Using Kyma by knut-kaulke (Adept) (2,050 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes

You could take three ChannelSelectors, route each through a Pan (each with its own Pan controls), and place all three into a Mixer.  That would give you control over the stereo position of the three audio signals X, Y, and Z.  The LorenzSystem itself has independent level controls for X, Y, and Z so you could control how much of each is present in the mix.

Would this do what you need?

answered Dec 14, 2016 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
oh yes, Thank you very much! :)