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Is uploading some files blocked?

0 votes

Hi Admins,

When posting new topics here, instructions are displayed describing how to upload files (Point 4.) "...choose the Upload tab,..."

Perhaps this instruction is out of date or NQR, I cant see the upload tab. There is a means to insert/upload images but nothing else I can see.

I wanted to post a small excel file of the table sketch I did on a recent post but I cant.

Can you advise please.

Much thanks,

asked Mar 29, 2015 in General by sean-flannery (Adept) (1,520 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Did you click the link icon first?  That opens a small window that has the Upload tab on it.
answered Mar 30, 2015 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
hmmm, that sneaky point 3 eh :) along with all those other sneaky points I missed reading properly (facepalm)

I'll just go to the back and be quiet now.

Thanks SSC