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Overdub with MemoryWriter(s)

0 votes
Is it possible to overdub using MemoryWriters (e.g. a loop with MemoryWriter/Sample where additional sound material can be added without wiping out the original recorded material)? And if yes: how could it be done?
asked Feb 2, 2018 in Sound Design by explodingtickets (Adept) (1,380 points)

2 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer

Here is an example of overdubbing using a single MemoryWriter with SimultaneousRead checked. (This will work later this week after the next software update.)

answered Feb 21, 2018 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
selected Feb 23, 2018 by explodingtickets
0 votes
There is no 'overdub' function in a MemoryWriter but you could feed the output of whatever is playing back the written memory and your overdub source into a mixer that is then put into the same (or different) memory writer.

Using a different memory writer (with a different recording name) to capture the mix of original and overdub would preserve the original recording.
Hope this helps
answered Feb 4, 2018 by sean-flannery (Adept) (1,520 points)
Thanks for the answer. Using a mixer with new material plus the audio stream coming from playing a MemoryReader, which feeds the same MemoryWriter, I've already tried before posing the question. As you say: this destroys the original recording. Using a different MemoryWriter could work (I didn't try it till now) for one overdub; but what's about the second, third etc. iteration? I think the crucial point is the alignment of the sample start of the looping MemoryReader and the start of recording of the overdub (using the same trigger would cause a jump in the reader); the recording must start with one sample delay not before reaching again the sample start in the reader; but I don't currently know any possibility to detect the sample start ... thus maybe using two different MemoryWriters and explicit bouncing into a third one is the only solution for now ...