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Are there 3rd party editors for Kyma created Spectrum files?

0 votes
All in the subject line really ;)
asked May 27, 2015 in Using Kyma by sean-flannery (Adept) (1,520 points)
Some things I find difficult about the spectrum editor are:

Drawing pitch envelopes accurately - eg a flat line or a smooth curve would be awesome.

Re ordering partials - if I have a spectrum file and partial X is unused and or doesnt match up with another partial I need to morph it to I'd like to be able to delete and then re-order the stack of partials in one of the spectrum files.
Perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way.

On PC the spectrum editor is buggy (always has been) - it looks like screen re-draw issues or something - the result is I can only edit a spectrum file so much before I have to save it and then close and re-open the spectrum editor.

Perhaps someone here has some tips and tricks.
Thanks for the input people, much appreciated.

I've been using a disk recorder to capture the output from a live spectral analysis and while doing so came up with another question.

Can I (how do I) convert and AIFF file captured using this method to a .SPC file?

3 Answers

0 votes
In Kyma, the realtime approach to editing and manipulating Spectra is quite advanced. Using the Frame Synchroniser (search for that in the Tags on this Q&A - maybe its with a 'z'?) you can even render manipulated spectra to disk. The SpectrumModifier sound is a good place to start. You can sieve out individual Tracks (or partials) that way.
answered Jun 12, 2015 by cristian-vogel (Master) (8,570 points)
0 votes

As far as I know, no, there's no way to edit Kyma .spc files in a 3rd party editor. I looked into it, too, and ended up learning about Loris, the TFTB for time-frequency reassignment, SDIF, and SPEAR.

Regarding the screen redraw issue you mentioned, have you tried enabling or disabling some of the graphics related properties in Kyma's preferences?

answered Jun 12, 2015 by matthew-carpenter (Practitioner) (770 points)
0 votes

Re ordering partials - if I have a spectrum file and partial X is unused and or doesnt match up with another partial I need to morph it to I'd like to be able to delete and then re-order the stack of partials in one of the spectrum files.

If you delete a track (or tracks) in the editor, then do a Save as..., you have the option of renumbering the remaining tracks (squishing it down to a smaller number of tracks).

Drawing pitch envelopes accurately - eg a flat line or a smooth curve would be awesome.

Though this is probably not exactly what you're asking for, I often use smoothFrequency or replaceFrequencyWithAverage from the track filtering menu (accessed from the button at the bottom of the editor).

answered Jun 18, 2015 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
I've tried that but if there's noise in the signal it can often result in the 'wrong' frequency as a result of replacing with average
Ahh! thanks for the tip about save as :) will look into it