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MultiGrid Side Chain Routing Confusion

0 votes

Ok, so I have a KickDrum, this wants to be present at the master out, and also routed to just the side chain input (channel 3)

The kick is routed to a sound which disconnects 1+2 but leaves the 3rd channel, so that this can be injected into the 3 channel submix.

I have a noise with a centred pan (to ensure dual channel) routed to the audio input of the compressor.

I have set 3 in and 3 outputs for the relevant submixes.

I was so sure that I had cracked it, yet I can't get the compressor to respond. Sad Face.

Any Suggestions?




asked Aug 30, 2018 in Using Kyma by charlienorton (Adept) (2,660 points)
The two middle channels are routed to the stereo mix, this was not helping, yet still can't make it work.

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

I haven't used the grid much. I don't know if "Input Channels" represent busses in the grid. I think Input Channels are channels on the sound card.

In which case it looks like your compressor is using the Audio Input channel 3 for the side channel... ie the mic/line input from the soundcard, and not the third channel of the bus.

I think you might want to do something like this for the compressor, using ChannelSelectors to get out channels 1,2 and 3 from the bus:


Note that the "Input Channels 1 & 2 & 3" could be any Sound. It gets replaced by the 3 channel bus given to it by the Grid.

And in the Matrix4 set one of the inputs as a replaceable input (I did input 1 which should get replaced by the Kick's output), and then set InsToOut3 to "1 0 0 0". In fact it doesn't matter what the inputs to the Matrix4 are, they could be anything. The replaceable one will be replaced by the Grid's bus, and the other three are silenced by the InsToOuts fields.


There's probably a neater way of doing this but I think it's doing what you want now.


answered Aug 31, 2018 by alan-jackson (Virtuoso) (15,840 points)
selected Aug 31, 2018 by charlienorton
Alan, you are a legend, gentleman, and a scholar. That was driving me bananas last night. Two Takeaways: A) Replaceable input is the stream of input! B) Channel Selector! How could I have not spotted this. You are the man.