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I updated Intuos Pro and the pen does not work

0 votes
A few days ago, I updated the firmware and driver of my tablet intuos pro and stopped working to work with Kyma sounds. When I reload the old controller (6.3.29-6) I can only control the sounds with my fingers. That is, Kyma does not recognize the tablet's pen. Does anyone know how to solve the problem? . In wacom they say that it is not their problem since the tablet works perfectly for them.
Mac os 10.11.6
Driver. 6.3.29-6
Tablet intuos pro PTH- 660.  (version  I guess it's the firmware version)
Thank you
asked Dec 7, 2018 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by oriol-graus (Practitioner) (320 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

I solved my problems (pen not working) with one of these :

1. Try to reset the pens in the pen status.

2. Revert to the old drivers


answered Dec 9, 2018 by rastko-lazic (Practitioner) (410 points)
Thanks Rasko but the problem remains the same.
I also thank Roland Kuit for his "pen-finger-controls-tester"
I updated Intuos Pro and the pen does not work (2)
0 votes
I hope this experience can be useful for other users.
I have been able to take control of the pen on the intuos pro tablet, for this I have done the following:
Disable the antivirus, (VirusBarrier)
Reload the Driver, (the one that was installed when the pen was working).
Reset the preferences of Kyma and return them to configure as they had before, exactly as detailed in the question "Wacom Tablet still not working". (Thanks to those who participated in this question).
But only with this way the pencil still did not work, I had to do a second operation, go to Wacom Tablet Utility and erase the preferences (thanks Matthew Carpenter).
I do not know the reason, but it seems on my computer there is an incompatibility between VirusBarrier (recently updated) and Kyma. When VirusBarrier is activated, Kyma takes a long time to load and the pen does not work and when I disconnect it, kyma is loaded normally and the pen works.

Oriol Graus
answered Dec 11, 2018 by oriol-graus (Practitioner) (320 points)
You're welcome! I should add that at one point I did reset Kyma preferences (start Kyma with Caps Lock on) before I got it working. This may or may not be a required step but it's worth pointing out since Oriol mentioned it, as well.